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CLI Overview

The following programs, scripts and Ansible playbooks are included with netlab and available as a subcommand of netlab command.

Creating and Destroying the Lab

netlab up

Uses netlab create to create configuration files, starts the virtual lab, and uses netlab initial to deploy initial device configurations. More details…

netlab down

Destroys the virtual lab. More details…

netlab create

Creates a full-blown network topology, Vagrantfile and Ansible inventory from a simple list of nodes and links. More details…

Deploying Device Configuration

netlab initial

Configures common device parameters using topology data generated by netlab create and default device configuration templates. Configured parameters include hostname, LLDP, interface admin state, MAC and IP addresses, and optional routing protocols. More details…

Working with Lab Devices

netlab connect

Use Ansible inventory connect to a lab device using its inventory name. Device IP address (ansible_host) and username/passwords are retrieved from Ansible inventory. Ideal when you use centralized Vagrant environments and want to connect to the devices while being in playbook development directory. More details…

netlab config

Applies any set of custom Jinja2 configuration templates to network devices. Includes support for platform-specific configuration templates. More details…

netlab collect

Using Ansible fact gathering or other device-specific Ansible modules, collects device configurations and saves them in specified directory. More details…