Changes in Release 1.4

New Functionality in Release 1.4

  • MPLS/LDP support on Nokia SR OS

  • EVPN MPLS transport on Arista EOS and Nokia SR Linux

  • New address allocation algorithm for links with small IPv4 prefixes

  • Control allocation of VNI identifiers with vxlan.vlans attribute

  • Specify EVPN-enabled VLANs and VRFs with evpn.vlans and evpn.vrfs lists

Breaking changes

Release 1.4 introduced behind-the-scenes functionality that might break existing topologies:

  • vni attribute is assigned to VLANs only if the topology uses VXLAN module. In release 1.3, the vni attribute was assigned by the VLAN module.

  • vlan.auto_vni attribute is no longer used. Specify VXLAN-enabled VLANs with vxlan.vlans if you don’t want to assign vni values to all VLANs.

  • EVPN module using VXLAN transport still takes control of all VLANs with vni attribute and VRFs with evpn attribute, but it’s not recommended to rely on that behavior. Specify EVPN-enabled VLANs and VRFs with evpn.vlans and evpn.vrfs lists.

  • Flexible address allocation algorithm might change IP addresses on links with small IPv4 prefixes.

  • Node, VLAN, and VRF attributes are checked – topologies that used extra node attributes not related to configuration modules would no longer work.

  • Interface (node-to-link attachment) attributes are checked – topologies using extra interface attributes not related to configuration modules would no longer work.

  • The tests for unique VNI values are stricter and might break topologies that used duplicate VNI values in VLANs or VRFs.