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Connecting to Lab Devices

netlab connect command uses information stored in Ansible inventory and reported by ansible-inventory command to connect to a lab device using SSH or docker exec. You could use it with an inventory file created with netlab create command or with any other Ansible inventory.


usage: netlab connect [-h] [-v] [-q] [--dry-run] [--snapshot [SNAPSHOT]] host

Connect to a network device or an external tool

positional arguments:
  host                  Device or tool to connect to

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Verbose logging
  -q, --quiet           No logging
  --dry-run             Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them
  --snapshot [SNAPSHOT]
                        Transformed topology snapshot file

The rest of the arguments are passed to SSH or docker exec command

Collecting Device Data

netlab connect uses the lab snapshot file (default: netlab.snapshot.yml) to read device information. You can overwrite the default snapshot file with the --snapshot command line parameter.

Using Inventory Data

netlab connect command uses the following device data (most of it derived from device group_vars):

  • ansible_connection: Use docker exec if the connection is set to docker1. Use ssh if the connection is set to ssh, paramiko2, network_cli3 or netconf4. Fail for all other connection types.

  • ansible_host: IP address or alternate FQDN for the lab device (default: host name specified on the command line)

  • ansible_user: remote username for SSH session (default: not specified)

  • ansible_ssh_pass to specify password (default: use SSH keys)

  • ansible_port to specify alternate SSH port (used primarily in VirtualBox environment)

Executing a Single Command

Command line parameters specified after the device name are passed to ssh or docker exec command, allowing you to execute a single command on a lab device.

If you want to process the results of the command executed on a lab device, use netlab connect -q to remove the “we are going to connect to device X” message.

Handling SSH Keys

netlab connect command disables SSH host key checking and uses /dev/null as known hosts file to simplify lab connectivity (some virtual devices change SSH key on every restart).


Do not use netlab connect in production environment.


FRR and Linux devices running under containerlab


Linux virtual machines, including Cumulus VX and Nokia SR Linux.


Devices with traditional networking CLI, including Cisco IOSv, Cisco IOS-XE, Cisco Nexus OS, and Arista EOS.

