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Display Running Lab Instances

netlab status command displays the running lab instances and the provider-specific workloads (libvirt virtual machines or containerlab containers).

This command uses the netlab status file (default: ~/.netlab/status.yml) to get the state of running lab instances. The status file is updated by netlab up and netlab down commands.


usage: netlab status [-h] [--all] [-v] {list,show,cleanup,reset} [instance ...]

Display lab status

positional arguments:
                        Lab status action
  instance              Display or cleanup specific lab instance(s)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all                 Display or cleanup all lab instance(s)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose printout(s)
  • netlab status or netlab status list displays the currently-running lab instances.

  • netlab status show displays detailed state (including state change log) of selected lab instance(s)

  • netlab status cleanup shuts down selected lab instance(s). It changes the current directory to the lab directory saved in the status file and executes netlab down –cleanup in that directory

  • netlab status reset deletes the status file. Use this command only if the status file becomes corrupted.

Running Lab Instances

The netlab status list command displays all running lab instances1, their working directories, and the virtual machines (domains) and containers running on the current server.

$ netlab status
Lab default in /home/user/net101/tools/X
  status: started
  provider(s): clab

Running containers
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND        CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
20878d36c187   networkop/cx:4.4.0   "/sbin/init"   19 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds             clab-ospfv2-r1
799cf6091c03   networkop/cx:4.4.0   "/sbin/init"   19 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds             clab-ospfv2-r2

KVM/libvirt domains (virtual machines)
 Id   Name   State

Display Lab Instance State

The netlab status show command displays more details about selected lab instance(s), including the state change log:

Lab default in /home/user/net101/tools/X
  status: started
  provider(s): clab

2023-03-29T10:28:22.609058+02:00: starting lab
2023-03-29T10:28:22.610693+02:00: starting provider clab
2023-03-29T10:28:25.188872+02:00: clab workload started
2023-03-29T10:28:25.194336+02:00: deploying initial configuration
2023-03-29T10:28:25.681063+02:00: deploying configuration: complete configuration
2023-03-29T10:28:36.042937+02:00: configuration deployment complete
2023-03-29T10:28:36.059921+02:00: initial configuration complete
2023-03-29T10:28:36.062101+02:00: started

Cleanup a Lab Instance

The netlab status cleanup instance command shuts down the specified lab instance:

$ netlab status cleanup default
Cleanup will remove all specified lab instances. Are you sure? [Y/n]y
Shutting down lab default in /home/user/net101/tools/X
Reading transformed lab topology from snapshot file netlab.snapshot.yml

Step 2: Checking virtualization provider installation
.. all tests succeeded, moving on

Step 2: stopping the lab
INFO[0000] Parsing & checking topology file: clab.yml
INFO[0000] Destroying lab: ospfv2
INFO[0000] Removed container: clab-ospfv2-r2
INFO[0000] Removed container: clab-ospfv2-r1
INFO[0000] Removing containerlab host entries from /etc/hosts file

Step 3: Cleanup configuration files
... removing clab.yml
... removing ansible.cfg
... removing hosts.yml
... removing directory tree group_vars
... removing directory tree host_vars
... removing netlab.snapshot.yml


You could run multiple lab instances on the same server if you’re using multilab plugin.